Mold and Your Heating and Air Conditioning Units

The unique climate of The Woodlands, Texas, and surrounding areas makes upkeep on your home or business heating and air conditioning (HVAC) units necessary. The Woodlands gets 49 inches of rain on average per year — that’s 10 inches more than the rest of the U.S. We also have precipitation about 63 days per year. Above-average humidity throughout the year can create problems such as mold in your HVAC units, a serious problem that can be fixed by contacting Efficient Climate Control to service your units and increase your peace of mind. Let’s take a look at both units and find out how we can prevent mold from forming inside them and affecting your family’s health and wellness.

Mold in Heating Units
Mold only needs moisture and food to grow, so preventing it from getting moisture and food will prevent the mold from forming. Although you can handle mold in your heating unit on your own, we recommend using a reliable and knowledgeable company like Efficient Climate Control to make the process easier and more effective while saving you time.

Mold in heating units is a common home and business complaint, and in more humid areas like The Woodlands, Texas, there is a higher chance of mold forming in your heating unit. Unfortunately, forced-air HVAC systems are the easiest way to spread mold throughout your home or business because mold is always present to some extent in the building environment. In other words, you cannot completely prevent mold from existing in a building, but you can control it well and prevent sickness for your family or employees. Efficient Climate Control can help with furnace repair and indoor-air-quality services. We are focused on your problem whether it’s big or small.

Mold in Air Conditioning Units
Air conditioning units have high moisture levels, and in a humid climate like The Woodlands, that can spell disaster for home and business owners. The combination of humidity and moisture in the units can cause mold to grow and proliferate very quickly, leading to respiratory illnesses and eye and skin irritation. Prolonged exposure to mold can also lead to asthma. Since most people run their air conditioners only occasionally, or more or less depending on the time of year, moisture and debris may collect in the air handler or ductwork.

Signs that your air conditioning unit has mold growing in it include a nasty smell; black, patchy mold presence; and recurring respiratory symptoms. If you notice these signs, immediately turn off the system, put on a mask to prevent mold spores from entering your respiratory system, vacuum out or mop up any moisture, and thoroughly clean out your system. The best way to do this is to call a professional service like Efficient Climate Control that can clean your unit for you, properly treat and eradicate the mold problem, and install mold-reducing filters to prevent mold growth. Ultraviolet lights and frequent high-risk area sanitation may also help.

Gambling with your health or that of loved ones or employees is never a good idea. Since mold is such a frequent problem in The Woodlands heating and air conditioning units, the best advice is prevention through professional maintenance. If you discover mold in your home or business, contact Efficient Climate Control immediately to prevent the mold from spreading and keep everyone healthy.